Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Sinkerballers pitch better if they're tired."

Not according to longtime sinkerballer Derek Lowe, who was asked about this in this interview about pitching in 2004 ALCS Game 7 on two days rest.

Q: Did pitching on two days of rest help your sinker?

Lowe: I don’t believe in that. I would much rather pitch at full strength. You still need your legs under you, and you still need your arm in the right arm slot. If you get too tired, your ball doesn’t move anymore. I promise you. They should do that on the show Myth Busters, because it’s not true.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Factcheck/the media/snopes is liberally biased

"Factcheck/the media/snopes is liberally biased." = "Factcheck/the media/snopes sometimes says things that I as a conservative don't want to believe."

It's the equivalent of a sports fan who always complains that the referees, umpires or national announcers are biased against the fan's team.